Artistic Assessment Sheets (French)

Ceci s’agit d’un dossier zip contenant toutes les feuilles d’évaluation artistique. Des instructions sont incluses à la fois pour le coordonnateur de l’évaluation et pour l’évaluateur/l’entraîneur-évaluateur pour une utilisation numérique (PDF remplissable) ou l’impression de copies papier.

Updated 2023/12/19


This is a zip folder containing all Artistic assessment sheets. Instructions are included for both the Assessment Coordinator and the Evaluator/coach assessor for digital use (filliable PDF) or printing hard copies. The Artistic assessment sheets to be used by the evaluator (STAR 7, 9, Gold) or coach (STAR 5). The sheets contain (1) a top portion for the assessment coordinator to use for assessment submission purposes and (2) a bottom portion to be provided to the skater for their record of assessment. As the back of the assessment sheets contain pertinent information, both the front and the back must be provided to the skater, evaluator and/or coach assessor.

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